If you are a project owners or community leaders looking to have your tokens included in our default list, please adhere to the requirements outlined below
- Minimum requirements
- Liquidity pool locked more than 15K
- Market cap more than 100K
- Numbers of holders more than 50
If you meet the these requirements, please fill in our form below to be under formal review
- Formal review
- Background
- Social account (Twitter, Telegram group, etc)
- Team information
- Upcoming liquidity Plan after whitelist (Pair, TVL, Liquidity Incentives, etc.)
- Current number of makers and Market Cap (DEX Screener link required)
- Token smart contract address
- Any other documents/links you consider as relevant for the whitelisting application(Coingecko token page, CMC, etc.)
LP lock / burn increase chance of getting whitelisted
- After projects pass the formal review, the proposal will be sent to DAO voting