Request to create proposal for compensation: UI/ UX issue - Lost a bunch of my kids college money swapping from REF to OCT

This afternoon I was looking to Swap around 37K REF (quantity) to OCT. I was not aware I needed to first swap to NEAR and then to OCT.
When I did the Swap on from REF to OCT, I ended up from ~37K REF (quantity) to 28,600 OCT. When I checked market price, I should have received 6K more OCT. So effectively over $30K loss (around 25% transaction fee).

Please note that the Swap does not show details (price impact, etc) (see attached) unless you click on the details arrow. I did not click this but later checked it is not visible unless you click on details. It is a UI/UX issue and can cause a lot of these issues. It needs to be fixed ASAP to avoid further issues.

I realized this after the swap was done and felt terrible. Crypto itself can be a rollercoaster and on top of this a simple UI/ UX issue can be devastating to say the least.
This could be college fees for my kid for an year.
Please consider this request (mostly because of UI/UX issue to be honest - If I had seen the price impact without needing to click on details, I would not have swapped for sure) and help me refund either REF or OCT to compensate the loss.
The transactions are below. It happened in two swaps. ~17K and 20K REF to OCT.

My address is varavooru.near
I am hoping DAO is more fair than a centralized organization. Else what is the point of decentralization we are all talking about in crypto.
Thank you and hope the DAO works and will be fair to my case.