The following is a copy/paste from ref’s discord about this issue from the point where I joined the discussion.
Link to smartcoded’s first discord message about this issue: Discord
Link to my first message: Discord
Times are in UTC
Ben — Today at 5:35 PM
This isn’t a result of IL due to natural changes in the value of tokens. The problem was that you created a new pool and deposited amounts that resulted in a swap rate for META → stNEAR to be over 5x the market rate. You deposited 4.3 stNEAR and 163 META, which resulted in a swap rate of 0.026 stNEAR for 1 META. The market rate is 0.0047 stNEAR for 1 META. Chances are an arbitrage bot detected this, swapped 1 stNEAR for 220 META at the market rate, and then used the pool you created to swap the 220 META for 2.5 stNEAR. (edited)

smartcoded — Today at 5:37 PM
Then why am I at lost ??
[ 5:38 PM ]
Can I get a refund
[ 5:38 PM ]

smartcoded — Today at 5:38 PM
That’s my wallet
Then why am I at lost ??

Ben — Today at 5:38 PM
the swap deposited 220 META and removed 2.49 stNEAR 163 + 220 = 383 4.3 - 2.49 = 1.81
the swap deposited 220 META and removed 2.49 stNEAR 163 + 220 = 383 4.3 - 2.49 = 1.81

smartcoded — Today at 5:39 PM
What I mean is that where’s the remaining balance ?
[ 5:39 PM ]
Why am I at Lost
[ 5:40 PM ]
Please I need help
Why am I at Lost

Ben — Today at 5:40 PM
because there isn’t anywhere you can swap your 220 META for 2.5 stNEAR. You gained META and lost stNEAR
[ 5:40 PM ]
why did you create a pool?
why did you create a pool?

smartcoded — Today at 5:41 PM
I’m planning to farm Stnear/Meta ??

smartcoded — Today at 5:41 PM
You can check my wallet for everything.
I’m planning to farm Stnear/Meta ??

Ben — Today at 5:41 PM
there is a specific pool for that farm. why did you create a new one?
[ 5:43 PM ]
you will not get a refund. 1: it is literally impossible to reverse transactions. 2. the loss was not a result of a bug
you will not get a refund. 1: it is literally impossible to reverse transactions. 2. the loss was not a result of a bug

smartcoded — Today at 5:44 PM
But I’m still not getting what really happened , please I need to know how my funds was lost please
[ 5:44 PM ]
I’m hurt
But I’m still not getting what really happened , please I need to know how my funds was lost please

smartcoded — Today at 5:48 PM
- Message could not be loaded.

Ben — Today at 5:48 PM
I am writing right now trying to explain it to you. please wait
- Message could not be loaded.

smartcoded — Today at 5:49 PM
My funds is gone
But I’m still not getting what really happened , please I need to know how my funds was lost please

Ben — Today at 5:55 PM
At this moment 1 EUR = 1.09 USD let’s say you open an exchange and set your exchange rate to 1 EUR = 6 USD You start with 150 EUR and 900 USD
I realize your error, go to another exchange, and buy 100 EUR for 109 USD at the market rate I then go to you, and exchange my 100 EUR for 600 USD This leaves you with 250 EUR and 300 USD
[ 5:56 PM ]
get it now?

smartcoded — Today at 5:57 PM
- Message could not be loaded.

smartcoded — Today at 5:59 PM
What I’m not getting is that , is it that get funds or why did my funds lost. Boat should just have correct my errors
[ 5:59 PM ]
@Ben check dm please
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Ben — Today at 6:01 PM
you need to research how swap pools work. there is an algorithm that determines the swap rates. Ref finance uses the same algorithm as uniswap, sushiswap, and the vast majority of other AMM’s
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Ben — Today at 6:01 PM
I’m sorry but I would like to keep this conversation public, so that everyone can see how it is resolved

smartcoded — Today at 6:02 PM
What I know with other pool is this. When I want to add 1 stnear with 100meta . If 1stnear will be more value than 100meta they will highlights it instantly.
[ 6:03 PM ]
And this is my first time of loosing funds to Liquidity pool.
- *[6:03 PM ]
I’m used to other dex on BSC .
[ 6:03 PM ]
This is my first time adding pool on Near Protocol

Ben — Today at 6:05 PM
you are the one who chose the amounts to add. why did you choose those amounts? (edited)
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Ben — Today at 6:07 PM
also, why did you choose to create a new pool, instead of depositing your tokens in the existing pool?
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smartcoded — Today at 6:07 PM
Like I said, today’s my first time on near.
- Message could not be loaded.

smartcoded — Today at 6:08 PM
I just click on Max
- Message could not be loaded.

smartcoded — Today at 6:17 PM
- Message could not be loaded.

Ben — Today at 6:21 PM
so people who never created a pool can understand what clicking max looks like: when you clicked max next to stnear, you saw that the number it put on the form was the total amount of stnear in your wallet. when you clicked max next to “meta”, you saw the number it put was the total amount of meta in your wallet.
[ 6:22 PM ]
is this correct?
- Message could not be loaded.

smartcoded — Today at 6:23 PM
[ 6:23 PM ]
Then after I confirm ,it changed that’s how I just see that my funds is no more completed.
[ 6:25 PM ]
When I click max, it shows Normal
[ 6:25 PM ]
Them when I add it it’s still normally, you can check screenshot.
[ 6:25 PM ]
After adding, I check my liquidity then I see that over 1.5 stnear is missing.
[ 6:26 PM ]
That what’s confusing me, I will be happy if you can try to understand me please.
[ 6:26 PM ]
How will funds just disappear like that.
[ 6:26 PM ]
I’m hurt to be sincere.
[ 6:27 PM ]
If it changed to minus when I clicked on MAX, you know I wnt submit at all.
[ 6:28 PM ]
You can check the screenshot.
[ 6:28 PM ]
I know I’m in lost only when I check my liquidity
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Ben — Today at 6:34 PM
The only way funds can be released from the ref finance treasury is by the dao voting to approve a proposal containing the code to transfers them. It is literally impossible for funds to be released from the treasure in any other way If you still feel you should be compensated, you need to create a post on the ref governance forum explaining what happened, why you should be compensated, and for how much. The post will be public, and anyone will be able to read and reply to it. If someone with the ability to create a proposal on the Ref DAO believes that it is even remotely possible that a proposal to transfer funds to you will get enough votes to pass (50% + 1 of the community dao), then they will create one. (edited)
The conversation after this point was just about posting the request on the gov forum