2023 Ref DAO Community Board Payout & Reorg Proposal

Dear Ref DAO Community,

As we usher in a new year, it’s time to reflect on our collective achievements and make strategic decisions for the future. This post outlines the retrospective payout for the Ref Finance DAO Community Board for the entirety of 2023 and proposes changes to ensure the DAO remains dynamic and effective.

1. Payout for the DAO Community Board for the Whole of 2023:

We propose the retroactive payout for 2023 for the community board members of the Ref DAO following the updated scheme proposed in this post. The updated payout structure consists of two tracks:

Track 1: DAO Duties

  • Compensation: 400 REF/month

  • Excludes full-time Ref core team members sitting on the community DAO.

  • DAO duties include, but are not limited to, regular & timely voting on proposals, participation in the discussions on proposals etc in the DAO chat, feedback and suggestions for Ref, testing before release, participation in the biweekly syncs (unless absence had been notified beforehand).

Track 2: Extra Contributions

  • Compensation: To be determined on a per-case basis.

  • Covers specific labor or material output beyond standard DAO duties such as community moderation or specific marketing activities.

Notes and Further Changes:

  • The community board’s cap remains at 10K REF/month.

  • The Supreme Board, who oversees the DAO administration and operations such as the payouts and hosting the biweekly syncs, continues to compensate its members with 400 REF/month.

  • For those trialing for the Ref DAO, they are compensated 200 REF/month for their time and contributions during the trial period.

TL;DR 2023 Payout for Ref DAO Community Board

Total DAO Treasury Entitlement for 2023: 120K REF (= 10K REF/month x 12)

Total Payout for 2023: 58,600 REF (*Original post was 57,400. Updated the amount as 3 ppl who were removed late July should still be paid for the month of July.)

For a detailed breakdown of each member’s compensation and their voting history, please see Payout Matrix and Voting History

2. Proposal to Remove Inactive Members:

  • We propose to remove blockpi.near given their relatively low participation in voting (voted on 52 proposals out of 113 in 2023) and inactivity in DAO chat as well as syncs. blockpi.near has conceded to the decision.

3. Proposal to Add New Members:

  • Introducing Hero (chrestomanci.near), a dedicated member of the NEAR ecosystem actively contributing to the Ref DAO since October. After this trial period, the DAO is delighted to formally welcome Hero for their valuable contributions.

4. Rejuvenating the Ref DAO:

We remind the community that the Ref DAO is open to new contributors. Recommendations and applications are encouraged through comments or by reaching out to DAO members or the Ref core team. Regular reorganizations ensure that active members are recognized and inactive ones are replaced.

How to Join the DAO?

The Ref Finance DAO welcomes active and committed community members. Contribute via Discord, Telegram, product iteration, feedback, or bug reports. Make yourself known, and during quarterly reorganizations, your recognized value and input will be considered.

Join us on Telegram and Discord to stay connected and contribute to Ref Finance’s exciting journey.

Let’s make 2024 even more impactful together!

Best regards,

Ref Finance DAO Community Board

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