[Proposal] The Double TRI <> REF Pool

Hi frens,

A. Proposal

I would like to suggest the creation of two TRI <> REF pools, one on Ref, the other on Trisolaris.

In addition to tightening our relationships and strengthening our legacy positioning within the ecosystem, I see a strong value proposition at the intersection of our communities and both pools:

  1. More utility through direct trading and liquidity options for TRI and REF holders, one token allowing direct access to the other’s ecosystem, and vice versa

  2. Increased REF and TRI liquidity/market depth, providing both a better price impact (pools being potentially leveraged by the Auto Router)

  3. Unique pool/liquidity properties within the ecosytem, with two correlated value propositions (AMM) in the same pool (! Note: similar value prop might not lead to tokens price correlation, which mitigates divergence loss risks for LPs)

B. TVL and Liquidity Incentives

I would like to suggest $2M in TVL to start with, combined for both pools:

  • Ref Finance TRI <> REF pool: $1M TVL
  • Trisolaris TRI <> REF pool: $1M TVL

In terms of liquidity incentives, I would suggest a base of 20% to start with, each leg being provided by both protocols:

  • Ref Finance TRI <> REF rewards: 10% in $REF and 10% in TRI
  • Trisolaris TRI <> REF rewards: 10% in $REF and 10% in TRI

C. Execution

I would suggest the following plan:

  1. Two-week community discussions

  2. If momentum / positive feedback from both communities, create DAO proposals to swap REF/TRI for $500K from one treasury to the other (also encouraging protocol treasury diversification):
    → Ref DAO: to send $500K worth of REF tokens to the Trisolaris treasury/DAO
    → Trisolaris DAO: to send $500K worth of TRI tokens to the Ref treasury/DAO

  3. Each protocol will use its own treasury to create the associated pool

A target would be to kick off the new pools by the end of May.

For discussion!

PS: I do not hold any $TRI


Link to Trisolaris forum: [Proposal] The Double TRI <> REF Pool - Trisolaris


u have my vote on this one gud ser, creating a tri/ref or x/tri pool would create some presence of Aurora-based token onto ref. finance, thus opening more space to use the pro swapping version^^