[LOSTFOUND] Return swap out tokens to their owners

A swap failed with non-register of swap-out token. check TX here

  "token_id": "a0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48.factory.bridge.near",
  "sender_id": "mairysarmanho.near",
  "amount": "99963093"

We are about to refund him.

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To ensure a smooth experience & satisfaction for the user, the mod who handled the case has immediately compensated the user with the exact amount. Compensation txn can be found here.

Therefore reimbursement of 99.963093 USDC should be sent to cudam321.near.

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DAO proposal initiated, check this

One of our users has his swap-out usdc.e token in our lostfound inner account due to non-register of the token:

tx_id amount timestamp block
6jALQeFufSLJxBeJ74L7beAtmRGcqpP3wvqZtkeb3zzu 985687415 1669206867168110000 79086491
B1EojpDUGLpMbQeJtG7mpkHiL9raAV4piMJtbeybXSf5 328185 1669207351207540000 79086911
8DrhaHrnZeucSisW1fbuPZGdt8rYQfNjB5XiQ6g3kBEw 695557 1669208391819600000 79087808
4nzt3f2XjiGroxfAFSiBytr8SdmEHP8htvrjwSxZfzz4 57339469 1669294809931310000 79161263
3rmyG2uBvSaNFBDRgzkwvBaCebUDcPsmCPsRuTQGKAyq 56526090 1669381230577940000 79235014
BfUFM8bXgJYBSLutTPFRCGzQHGTkj7Qqux3rDmAwVCGX 57355547 1669467650568840000 79309248
7UaDNciJZbnrfrR5S6ct84qcchbWWHaWKY3MVmTFtsN4 56047254 1669554069772780000 79382925
3WG68ckSVRCcJWeortxg3D6V37DkSgV1yw6JLy3MYPtU 52572473 1669640490378710000 79457188
FbnbyepHwgargrbAwU92cgPvq5Rp2yWxubmPqMQN2HrZ 22633235 1669677033413010000 79488324
sum: 1289185225

Token ID:


User account:


We are gonna refund 1289.185225 usdc.e back to him.

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Proposal: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/ref-finance.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/ref-finance.sputnik-dao.near-317

One of our users has his swap-out usdc.e token in our lostfound inner account due to non-register of the token:

Go6W6bJuUVRNEAUaCXTm5Dvgxapvnwb4Nop9BDVpmJYw 808844
xyWRzgMCNdq5kvdsq4JYbHEwT7zENKQ4F5BQrWN1G4T 1406677
ExQdMAYBWrpXnwS9mUTBhfV4YpjhMcidnDDxYeowsKDV 1406767
DTXEAW4wUmGLhZjD5LRGFqQhueGKAdmwW71zPMRwKr4p 1407648
CwHn8NMnDa4Uu3oSP5248BBbwQCWgVofjc9ENhhbCar4 1408823
sum 6438759
Token ID:

User account:


We are gonna refund 0.06438759 wbtc back to him.

Proposal #343

One of your users has his swap-out wnear token in our lostfound inner account due to non-register of the token:

75i9z2psxigiKvjmrGAeJZmvFSLmLWKp76wkYZSQHhqm 3.323398847134648853758026

And hereWallet has refund him from their own treasury, so we would repay those wnear to hereWallet on mydev.near , here is the TX that hereWallet repaid the user:

One of our users has his swap-out wnear token in our lostfound inner account due to non-register of the token:

2qfzFdAnuBXuJQDD32oCDpD8j8EQknfD4Hw9LNSD1LaJ 149.632567388999036513928161

We would repay those wnear to reann.near

One of our users has his swap-out wnear token in our lostfound inner account due to non-register of the token contract:

2tRHRh4s3fGfLPJ7vS5zLWkbKScAeLhKkShMyfAT4Dwk 14.057889047486092614522290

As he operated through HereWallet, who has refund him in advance:


So, we would repay HERE mm.herewallet.near with the amount of wnear.

One of our users has his swap-out wnear token in our lostfound inner account due to non-register of the token contract:

2pcA2MbADgaG2qzPwG5QbGwWMEJemUEtLX9WM9jocp7J 437.337337995203032562366307

Now, let’s repay to him burrowliquidator.near with the amount of wnear.

Dear Ref Finance DAO,

I accidentally performed the following swaps without registering my account first:

https://nearblocks.io/txns/3QD43vxLdhqaHoWvpzs3DwFr6GMWuzKK9861D86sVx23    0.00226 WBTC
https://nearblocks.io/txns/27RoHasQJzkqQwrAmmPf7SzRnX446RNg6Rc7w5ciUytm    0.00226 WBTC
https://nearblocks.io/txns/7YaYqqYx4Y1goPWWqYaRRwLZ5u4XrJQuHzzLXHwCqmz8    0.00225 WBTC
https://nearblocks.io/txns/74GRsNXtTP1UqEo3BATd1cg2Vs6YKSiFTZneKUwP9jAE    0.00225 WBTC
https://nearblocks.io/txns/6LYMCDsEvtGJEU7yW83YUGJYjR6BQxUvZ9ACnpWDybu4    0.00226 WBTC
https://nearblocks.io/txns/ChSunQ4Av5cS4FpeKkt9zfidpYjAFqAZK6stXoKqgN4g    0.00226 WBTC

Total: 0.01354 WBTC

I understand this is entirely my mistake, but could you please assist me in getting a refund for these transactions?

Apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Thank you!