[FARM] Farm Ref Rewards On First Half of February

Thank you very much for your thoughts and interest in RefFi!

Farms are primarily meant to incentivize people to deposit their assets in specific pools so that there is enough liquidity to handle the expected volume of trades for the token pairs in those pools. wNEAR/WBTC has $680K of TVL (98% of which is staked), and a 24h Volume of $36K (5% of TVL). It has a significantly higher Vol/TVL than WBTC/ETH and SOL/NEAR, which is why it needs significantly higher rewards.

You can see the stats for pools on Ref Analytics

There was discussion about a partnership to do something like this last summer, but I can’t remember what ended up happening

The OCT/REF pool/farm exists because of a partnership agreement between Octopus and RefFi

Not impossible, but inadvisable. xREF is an anti-inflationary measure, in that it incentivizes people to hodl REF instead of swapping it (especially REF they get from farming). Incentivizing a xREF pool with REF rewards would be inflationary, and therefore counterproductive.

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