[Whitelisting] FRITZ

Greetings :cowboy_hat_face:

Today I have the pleasure to share with you a web3 project where we consider Ref Finance our elder because the Smart Contract will interact mainly with Ref Finance to swap a list of tokens.

As you can see, there are 3 participants in the following process diagram: User, SC, and Ref Finance.

1. Project description

An INDEX for the best projects within the NEAR Ecosystem and market it as a Meme.


  1. Improve ecosystem support by adding liquidity to the projects with the FRITZ DeFi solution
  2. Feature the NEAR ecosystem as the home of the 3rd more valuable MEME token
  3. Evolve our trading on-chain community


The functionality can be explained from the Process Diagram. For more details about the participants interactions:

Smart Contract: Allows automatic and instant swap. Holds and protects the funding basket.
DAO: On-chain trading community with rights to decide which tokens are added to the basket.
Core Team: The project builders add value through smart contract and web development, trading community building, partnerships, product growth, financial strategies design, and others.

  1. At the moment, only the Token is on mainnet
  2. 80% of the tokens will be deposited into the Smart Contract once is launched on mainnet
  3. 5% of the tokens will be distributed as an airdrop to the community
  4. 15% of the tokens will be used to fund the development of the project
  5. Smart Contract holdings can be subject to swaps upon DAO consensus
  6. We plan to build decentralization for the DAO by launching an NFT Collection where holders will own voting rights
  7. The DAO will receive 5% from each swap for management, further development, and even other investments such as venture capital
  8. Once the 21,000,000 $FRITZ tokens are in circulation, the INDEX is fully mature
  9. DAO could decide to swap tokens if there is a need to delist some tokens and list others
  10. This is not a project to make some people rich, this is not financial advice, and the whole idea is to help to promote NEAR and provide Ecosystem support while having fun


As an INDEX for the best projects on the NEAR Ecosystem, marketing it as a MEME to help NEAR Protocol promotion by rapidly getting the 3rd position in coinmarketcap meme category.


I am the founder, there you can imagine I am having fun giving the MEME dog the FRITZ name. Many agree is a good dog name for a dog life full of fun.

More about me on the NEAR governance forum:

The project is being built by a group of the Merchants Guild councils from the Merchants of NEAR community

@hh00 could you introduce us and organize a meeting with @Didier and the Ref Finance Team?


Categories Allocation Release Schedule
Smart Contract Basket 80% Through website swap
Private Fundraising 5% TBD
NEAR Users Airdrop 5% TBD
DAO Treasury 3% TBD
Core Team Incentives 1% 2-year linear release

2. Project liquidity plan

Pool: https://app.ref.finance/pool/3452

Looking for guidance and support from the Ref Finance team (Pair, TVL, Liquidity Incentives, etc.)

3. Token smart contract address :dog:


4. Website and/or App

5. Github repo

To be added soon

6. Any other documents/links you consider as relevant for the whitelisting application:

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