Meme tokens Feed/Donate options - confusing

It’s confusing feed /donate options in Ref-Finance.
what happens to donated MEME tokens in Ref-Finance?
I had done with donate tokens NEARVIDIA(890 millions) and BEAN tokens(300 billions) from sivakalathi008.near account.
I would like to get it back both tokens in my account sivakalathi008.near.
Is there any way to get it back?
if yes, when i will be getting back Donated MEME token in my account?
I have created support ticket in discard - # ticket - 0360
Could you please help on this issue?

I had spent around $750 (initial value) for NEARVIDIA tokens.
I had spent around $250 for BEAN tokens.
I will lose around $1000 in both tokens.

My intention was staking. I didn’t / don’t want to donate huge money,
If i am not getting my tokens back, I will feel that the same feeling of loosing money with scammers.