$LONK farming incentive from Ref treasury

Ref has received 1B $LONK tokens.


Today ($LONK = 0.000004847)

Farming incentives for LONK-NEAR pool

  • Target TVL: 200k
  • Target incentive APR: 15%
  • Target total APR: incentive + fee = 15% + 16.73% = 31.73%
  • [ ($200,000 * 15%) /365 ] / 0.000000009659 ~= 17M $LONK/day
  • Farm for 1 weeks (starting Jan 8 or Jan 15), after which incentive will be reduced subject to market condition
  • Total $LONK used from the 1B $LONK = 17M * 7 = 119M

Can we also add some $LONK incentives to other pools?