From April - June 2022 there has been an active $marmaj Farm. This farm started out as an experiment with the goal of finding efficient methods of supporting our growing community. The Marma J Foundation has gone through many changes over the past few months. Most notably has been our transition from a personal idea/hackathon project into a legal Non-Profit Organization, registered in Canada.
Goal: To max out unique number of tokens (16 or 32?) to create a curated list of ecosystem tokens (projects) that the marmaj Community can learn about, experiment with, and support. As the Marma J Foundation works to leverage Web3 for social good, we will continue to create educational content and guides to support the platforms we engage with; “teach a man, to teach a man, to fish” .
Rewards: The token rewards for the farm for pool 553 are pooled from a variety of sources
The Ref DAO provides 819 $REF/week to the farm for pool 553 .
The marmaj DAO holds quite a bit of $marmaj <> $stNEAR liquidity as well as some $marmaj tokens it uses to add 8.19 marmaj/week to the farm (plans to increase this to 81.9/week soon )
The marmaj DAO also recieves tokens from marmaj.near (management/individually owned account, secured by ledger, to support the Marma J Foundation). The $AURORA tokens come from a previous investment into Aurora*.
*Not really … Selling ecosystem tokens is no fun , so the tokens have been (and will continue to be) deposited into Aurora Plus or and the rewards from these deposits are used for further rewards).
For October 2022, we will be working to make the rewards for the marmaj <> stNEAR farm more efficient.
Generally we will be, increasing the $marmaj rewards, removing some token rewards that no longer make sense ($LiNEAR, $PEM, $BRRR, and maybe others), and hopefully adding token rewards on the future that continue to be closely aligned with the MJF .
October is expected to be a transitional period for the $marmaj farm on ref.
Hopefully, with the release of the veTokenomics update on Ref Finance, there will soon be multiple $marmaj farms available for the marmaj Community ($stNEAR, as well as a $USN farm )