[Community Farm] marmaj <> stNEAR

From April - June 2022 there has been an active $marmaj Farm. This farm started out as an experiment with the goal of finding efficient methods of supporting our growing community. The Marma J Foundation has gone through many changes over the past few months. Most notably has been our transition from a personal idea/hackathon project into a legal Non-Profit Organization, registered in Canada.

Current token rewards: $REF / $xREF / $stNEAR / $AURORA / $PXT / $USN / $META / $marmaj

Goal: To max out unique number of tokens (16 or 32?) to create a curated list of ecosystem tokens (projects) that the marmaj Community can learn about, experiment with, and support. As the Marma J Foundation works to leverage Web3 for social good, we will continue to create educational content and guides to support the platforms we engage with; “teach a man, to teach a man, to fish” :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

Rewards: The token rewards for the farm for pool 553 are pooled from a variety of sources :revolving_hearts:

  • The Ref DAO provides 819 $REF/week to the farm for pool 553 :pray:t5:.
  • The marmaj DAO holds quite a bit of $marmaj <> $stNEAR liquidity as well as some $marmaj tokens it uses to add 8.19 marmaj/week to the farm (plans to increase this to 81.9/week soon :tm:)
  • The marmaj DAO also recieves tokens from marmaj.near (management/individually owned account, secured by ledger, to support the Marma J Foundation). The $AURORA tokens come from a previous investment into Aurora*.
  • *Not really :face_with_hand_over_mouth:… Selling ecosystem tokens is no fun :laughing:, so the tokens have been (and will continue to be) deposited into Aurora Plus or Burrow.cash and the rewards from these deposits are used for further rewards).
  • Also, burrow.cash is where the $BRRR token rewards will come from :money_mouth_face:.
  • As well, marmaj.near has deposits (and borrows :face_with_peeking_eye:) on the Burrow platform which generate $stNEAR / $META / $USN rewards (as well as others :cowboy_hat_face:)
  • The PixelDapps team has been gracious enough to distribute tokens to the marmaj DAO, so we send those to the farm on a monthly basis.

For the foreseeable future, the marmaj DAO plans to send Ref Finance (refchef.near):

  • 8.19: $AURORA, $stNEAR, $marmaj, and $xREF per week (1.17/day - 36.27/month<>31 days)
  • 81.9: $USN per week (willing to switch stables… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)
  • 819: $PXT, $BRRR, and $META per week

We are hoping to work with near-multicall in order to make the transfer of these FTs possible in one DAO proposal. (half an example: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/marmaj.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/marmaj.sputnik-dao.near-774)

More tokens will be added (and the current ones may be paused/halted) at the discretion of the marmaj Community/marmaj DAO.


For the month of July, the marmaj DAO will send the following tokens to refchef.near:

  1. marmaj reward to ref<>wnear with 2.714286 / day, sum to 84.14 for July,
  2. marmaj reward to marmaj<>stnear with 1.17 /day, sum to 36.27 for July,
  3. stnear reward to marmaj<>stnear with 1.17 /day, sum to 36.27 for July,
  4. xref reward to marmaj<>stnear with 11.7 /day, sum to 362.7 for July,
  5. meta reward to marmaj<>stnear with 117 /day, sum to 3627 for July,
  6. pxt reward to marmaj<>stnear with 117 /day, sum to 3627 for July,
  7. aurora reward to marmaj<>stnear with 1.17 /day, sum to 36.27 for July,
  8. usn reward to marmaj<>stnear with 11.7 /day, sum to 362.7 for July,
  9. brrr reward to marmaj<>stnear with 117 /day, sum to 3627 for July,

For the month of August, the marmaj DAO will send the following tokens to the ref farming contract (rewards for 30 days):

$marmaj rewards in community farms

  • $REF <> $wNEAR - 2.714286/day, 81.42858
  • $REF <> $PXT - 1.17/day, 35.1

$marmaj <> $stNEAR farm rewards:

  • $marmaj - 1.17/day, 35.1
  • $stNEAR - 1.17 /day, 35.1
  • $LiNEAR - 1.17/day, 35.1
  • $AURORA - 1.17 /day, 35.1
  • $USN - 11.7 /day, 351
  • $xREF - 11.7 /day, 351
  • $PEM - 11.7/day, 351
  • $META - 117/day, 3510
  • $PXT 117/day, 3510
  • $BRRR - 117/day, 3510

Ref DAO also supports the farm with 117/day $REF, 3510

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For september 2022, the $marmaj <> $stNEAR farm will have the saem rewards as August

For October 2022, we will be working to make the rewards for the marmaj <> stNEAR farm more efficient.

Generally we will be, increasing the $marmaj rewards, removing some token rewards that no longer make sense ($LiNEAR, $PEM, $BRRR, and maybe others), and hopefully adding token rewards on the future that continue to be closely aligned with the MJF :pray:t4::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

October is expected to be a transitional period for the $marmaj farm on ref.

Hopefully, with the release of the veTokenomics update on Ref Finance, there will soon be multiple $marmaj farms available for the marmaj Community :pray:t4: ($stNEAR, as well as a $USN farm :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:)

To add to the above post for October Rewards:

$marmaj rewards in community farms

$marmaj <> $stNEAR farm rewards:

  • $marmaj - 11.7/day, 362.7
  • $AURORA - 11.7 /day, 362.7
  • $USN - 11.7 /day, 362.7
  • $Cheddar - 1170 /day, 36270
  • $META - 1170 /day, 36270